I would have not expected me to say this, but today Microsoft really impressed me! I saw Microsoft’s new Accessibility Insights tool mentioned in a tweet by Marcy Sutton and did have a look. This is…
I came across this on Twitter: > I was curious if a picture could be resized (with a click) without JavaScript. https://t.co/9ZxWp29gv3 (The trick? details/summary)— CSS-Tricks (@css) August…
If you’ve sometimes wondered how sorting arrays in JavaScript works, or rather how it does not work, this is a good post from Phil Nash explaining some of the gotchas and inconsistencies. Read the…
Not quite the trend anymore, yet a client wanted to see their partner logos display in grayscale and only turn colored when hovering the logos. Well, obviously I wouldn't want to use two different…
At the beginning of this year we launched the new site for a client, who I’ve been working with for a long time. We only had a few restrictions and that’s when projects usually are more fun and you…
There’s a new loading attribute that allows native lazy loading in Chrome. The loading attribute is not a standard yet, but it’s being worked on and I’m really looking forward to it, I think this is…
For some time it has been bugging me that I couldn’t add optimised images to Kirby’s textarea markdown. There’s been many times I wished that I could optimise those images to my liking. At some point…
One of the huge topics today is that Twitter has taken down a ”significant state-backed information operation“. Over the last few days I have seen a lot of comments on how the Pro-CCP trolls have…
Media queries have been around for almost 10 years and now that I think about it, that’s a real long time, especially on the web. I still remember the first responsive site I’ve built in 2010 like it…
A few weeks ago I started looking into Vue.js and static site generators to get a better idea what all the latest hype is about. So far it's been quite fun and I enjoyed learning something new. I…
Since I will to share more content again, I wanted to improve the Open Graph tags on my site, so when shared, the page would present correct and well-formed information. After testing with LinkedIn's…
For quite some time I have been running my website on Kirby CMS, and more than once have I mixed up the environment, because I didn’t pay attention. I either added something on the development site…
This week FaceApp has again made the rounds and a lot of people have been posting the old version of their own. Shortly after, people started to realise the app is developed by a Russian company and…
After seeing a question about alternatives to Dropbox, I thought it might be a good idea to share the few options that came up, plus an additional one that I do use myself. One suggested option was…
Via Twitter today I found Dato, a new macOS menu bar clock app by Sindre Sorhus. I like its simplicity, with the added bonus of displaying different cities with their respective timezones. Very handy…
Bearface is now a senior, and with age comes a tendency to share indoor gifts of the odorous kind. We set up a couple of trays for him and started off with standard litter, but soon learned of a more…
Last week Matthias wrote about the importance of writing down ideas immediately. I have to agree, the best way to being able to remember something, is to write it down right away. I have had many…
Via the Dense Discovery newsletter I saw the art of Joseph Lee and I have to say that I really do love these faceless paintings. It’s an amazing style and even though there are no faces, these…
Yesterday I came across this tweet and it made me smile. I’m not sure how many developers nowadays are aware of the fact of this having being the everyday reality a long time ago, but as with a lot…
Over the last few days I have remembered and thought about Jeffrey Zeldman’s article “ You Got This” in which he wrote about learning new things and how it can be quite hard, how it’s different to 20…
While I was trying to figure out how I can add different .htaccess directives for different environments, I came across Stupid .htaccess Tricks by Jeff Starr. It’s a pretty old post from 2006 (which…
It’s been a long time in the making—or rather thinking about the making—, but I have finally added Brid.gy to my site. Bridgy pulls in Likes and Mentions from Twitter and displays them below Articles…
Last week I received an email that my submitted conference talk proposal has not been accepted. This is always a disappointing moment, since of course everyone would rather be selected than rejected.…
Every once in a while there’s something new to figure out in GIT, and most of the time it’s about fixing something that I screwed up… The other day I came across this handy guide which lists all the…
I have finally added webmentions to my site, but it’s not yet working correctly all the way. Bear with me while I will send this (and possibly a few more) test that will show up in the feed… To make…