Here’s the first one from the drafts, saved as is on 2019-06-12: Thinking about taking one month off and not doing anything. Planned holiday work. No commitments and just fun. What will happen? I…
Another fun episode of HTTP 203, but I have to admit I haven't watched any in a long time… This episode is about "How to write good alt text", which seems easier said than done. There is always…
When I read this, I just thought to myself: Yes, yes and yes. To be a writer, to be successful at anything, we have to create like no one is watching, listening, or reading. We have to fight that…
Previously I have mostly used toggling, adding oder removing classNames from a classList with JavaScript. As these names suggest, they work with classList.toggle('className'),…
This is a very comprehensive post by Will Boyd on the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements which covers basically everything you need to know to make use of them is a variety of scenarios. I…
Some things have to end and this time, after more than three years, it is that we are shutting down at the end of March 2021. It’s quite sad, but at this time the sensible thing to do. It’s…
It's been exactly one year to this day that I posted “ Escaping the Virus”, which in hindsight makes an interesting read and perspective, because we had no idea what was yet to come… A lot of things…
While at first I didn't like the title “ Why is CSS Frustrating?”, I finally got to read it and it covers a few good points. I think I still don’t like the title much, since it seems to establish an…
It’s been a few weeks that Hong Kong has been hit with the Covid-19 virus situation and since then, life hasn’t been quite the same. Somewhere between worried and not, because chances to get infected…
I recently ran into the issue that I needed to target certain <li> elements whose parent <ul> does not contain a class attribute. I might have been able to solve this issue in a different…
Pretty nice that the proposed native lazy-loading for images or rather the loading attribute now made it into the HTML standard. A while ago Chrome started out with this idea and from now on it is…
A few days ago Addy Osmani shared this new editor typeface: JetBrains Mono. I had a look at it and liked it right away, so I installed it as my new editor font. So far I really like it, and the more…
The most common misunderstanding of progressive enhancement is that it’s inherently about JavaScript. That’s not true. You can apply progressive enhancement at every step of front-end development:…
Today I had a little time to catch up with the growing list of unread articles in my RSS reader and came across this short post on Marc’s blog. It’s so simple and I wholeheartedly agree. The…
I was playing around with CSS transforms on an element with a border, where as a result the border would then overflow the page body. Usually this would not be an issue that the CSS property overflow…
Today, 02.02.2020, is a special day, because today’s date is a palindrome, which can be read forwards as well as backwards. What makes it even more special is that a date like this will occur only…
“A brand is not what you say it is. It’s what they say it is.“ I really like this quote which opens Matthias’ post. I wanted to put this down, just to remember it. Recently Matthias has been putting…
A happy Chinese new year! Today is already the second day of the lunar new year and this year, it is the year of the rat. It also marks the eleventh CNY to me, which takes it almost full circle in…
A new year, a new Kirby update, 3.3.3-rc.1. I guess there’s not that much to report, besides the fact that it is available and I’m giving it a spin on this site at the moment. It all seems to work…
After yesterday’s post on Digital Gardens and how to possibly arrange information, posts and all that in a better or more interesting and fun way, I started to try a few things. One of the approaches…
This article and the idea of a “Digital Garden” also got me thinking about the way information could be presented and I like the idea of curating content for sections a bit more. For quite some time…
I did skip the last update to 3.3.1 because I didn’t find the time, but have finally managed to update my site to the latest Kirby 3.3.2. After the rather huge update to 3.3.0, the last two releases…
Today I read about the new CSS :is() pseudo-class function and at first thought, that it doesn’t seem helpful and all of what it does can already be achieved without it. I looked at some of the…
I was working on a very simple “email this article as a recommendation” feature, where the user would click a link to open their email client with a pre-populated subject and email body. The link…
It took a long time for accessibility to get the deserved recognition it has today and with so many different people using the web, the importance of building accessible interfaces has increased ever…