Notes from "Lean UX Agility Through Cross-fund Collaboration" by Jeff Gothelf at UXHK 2013
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A tale of two cities and two teams in New York and Vancouver, sharing sketches via Skype.
- Both teams had ownership since they all participated
- Aligning corporate strategy with a UX focus
- There was no UX at the executive level
- Pulled the executives together and got them involved
Shared characteristics of this action:
- Inclusion
- Collaboration
- Group exercises, (diverse, emerge, converge)
- Clear goals (outcomes)
- Safe environment
Result: "I'm glad we all agree then."
- Visualising ideas yields different ideas
- Shared understanding is the heart of UX
- Shared understanding is the currency of lean UX
5 things you need to do:
Solve the problem together
Sketching brings experiences to life faster
Prototype it – test your ideas – once validated, demo to the team
Pair up – pairing saves time, pairing sets designers free and empowers developers
Style guides:
- focus your teams around outcomes, not outputs
- validate you hypothesis with you customers
- the goal is to make everyone move down the same path
- designers are used to being heroes
- lean UX is anti hero
A designer must evolve to stay relevant.
It's evolution, not revolution.
Jeff Gothelf's full presentation (from the same talk at UX LX Lisbon, I believe) on Slideshare.