
Full writings, sometimes short and sometimes longer. Thoughts worth putting down.

Mailchimp's Template Import Behaviour

I just created a few templates for Mailchimp and upon import, I repeatedly received the following error message: "The archive was empty or otherwise corrupt" There was no obvious reason for this…

Blue Beanie Day 2012

The 6th Blue Beanie Day is here, so today is the day to support web standards and wear a blue beanie. Since it might be a bit warm to do so in Hong Kong, you can find a digital beanie via this link.…

Mountain Lion's Screensaver Freeze

For quite some time, whenever I returned from lunch my MacBook Air was frozen and the fans were running full throttle. It seemed to always happen whenever I was away for more than ~40 minutes or so…

Testing Mobile Performance With Mobitest

A good tool to give you a quick overview on the mobile performance of your website is Mobitest. Mobitest lets you choose from a list of a few different devices to simulate your website performance.…

Getting Your Digital Sh*# Together – Part 2

Security becomes more and more important everyday. Here's a tip on how to better secure your sensitive files. First things first: If you don't have a login password set for your computer, you should…

The Hong Kong Open Device Lab

"The web around us is constantly changing and one of the most important aspects is that it has moved from the desktop to, well… a very wide range of devices." Responsive Web Design has brought a lot…

Responsive Web Design Workflow With webEdition CMS

At the recent webEdition CMS conference, Oliver Beckenhaub talked about responsive webdesign and it's new workflow in combination with webEdition CMS. Here's the slides and on his blog you can find…

Tame Your Pixels With Pixel-fitting

If you are passionate about perfection in your design and want to achieve the best quality results, this one is for you.

Getting Your Digital Sh*# Together – Part 1

Many people know how to set up an email account and how use Facebook et al inside out. A lot of people know how to download an illegal copy of Photoshop to then call themselves a designer. And it…

Speed Up Your Website With Google's PageSpeed Service

From the Google Developers Blog: We are constantly working on new optimizations (rewriters) that can make pages load even faster. Along these lines, we are introducing a new rewriter called "Cache…

Mountain Lion's "Save As…' Is Broken

After the release of Mac OS X 10.8 aka Mountain Lion, there were quite a lot of people who were happy about getting the "Save As…" command back after it has been removed from OS X 10.7. A few days…

The Mobile Shift – The End of Small Studios?

Interesting thoughts on the shift towards a more mobile web world, on implementing new workflows and the challenges clients as well as small studios have to face. The Mobile Shift – The End of Small…

WP Admin Bookmarklet

As quite a nifty little helper, this bookmarklet takes you from the current domain you're on straight to it's WordPress admin login. Very helpful when you're working with multiple WP sites. And it…

OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion

If you're curious about what's new and what has changed in the new version of OS X 10.8, here's John Siracusa's most comprehensive review: OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion: the Ars Technica review