Opening Notification Center Mentions And Direct Messages in Bookmark

Now that Mountain Lion has been released, the new OS shows off with full Twitter integration. You can tweet straight from the Notifications Center, without opening the Twitter App itself. That's a nice feature, which let's you tweet without any further distractions.

The Notifications Center also displays Mentions and Direct Messages. Clicking on either mention or message opens your browser and takes you to and then redirects you to the corresponding page. As I do myself, I suppose a lot of people out there are using a Twitter client, chances are it is the official Twitter app. To avoid being taken to, since I prefer to use the app most of the time, I have added to my list of browsers in Choosy.

This allows me to choose which app opens the URI from Notification Center and in this case, I can just select Twitter. Even though this doesn't take me straight to the mention or direct message within the app, it at least gets me close enough for now.